Deer Management

Voting Closed. Thank you for your participation

*** Attention Villagers*** It is VOTING time!!!!

The Ross deer population management program begins this month with archery season on Saturday September 19th.Your board of directors is hosting a LIVE QnA for you to meet, co-founder, Luke. This meeting will be 100% virtual, hosted on Zoom where each villager can ask Luke and his partner questions, express concerns and learn about their program. This program is a solution to the excessive deer population in our village. There was a Landowners FAQ attached to your September newsletter. Please reference that along with, here we have included the SWM bylaws. The purpose of these documents and the LIVE QnA is to help each villager walk away feeling empowered and educated on the topic before making their vote.

Topic: MVCA _ Suburban Whitetail Management LLC (LIVE FAQ)

Time: Sep 21, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 827 5235 9890

Passcode: MVCA2020